Finding Certainty In The Midst Of Uncertainty

I am taking a moment in the midst of all the changes and uncertainties and fears caused by COVID-19 to do what I often encourage my clients to do: 

Photo Credit: Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash

Photo Credit: Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash

Think of something you KNOW in the midst of all that is unknown. Whatever comes to mind, big or small! Now close your eyes, holding that thought/image, and tune in to your body -- where in your body do you notice that knowing? How does it feel? Does it have a temperature or color? With your eyes still closed, take a few deep breaths, savoring your experience of certainty, allowing your body to calm itself and to deeply know this truth. When you are ready, open your eyes and come back into your world, keeping your awareness of that calm center. Appreciate your ability to find the eye in the midst of the storm, knowing that it is yours and always available to you.

What I know in this moment is that I am grateful for this work of being a grief counselor -- for the courage I witness daily and the wisdom shared from each particular life struggle. Over and over, in the midst of loss and devastation and the bearing of unbearable pain, I witness powerful love, freeing insight, unfolding spirit, possibility emerging from the impossible. I am inspired by my clients and I learn profound truths every time we meet.

Because I have worked with those in grief for over 20 years, I know both the vulnerability AND the strength of the human spirit. I encourage you in this uncertain time to take a moment to KNOW what I know is within you: Courage. Resilience. Truth. Freedom. Abundance. Peace. Possibility. 

Name what you KNOW, take a moment to come home to it, and shelter in place there.

Photo by Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash